My Month Of Proclamation! Deut32 :3

God wants us to reach truth and salvation, and it is our responsibility to share God’s word.
The Bible tells us that Paul and Silas were thrown into prison because they had delivered a servant girl who had the spirit of a python, which brought great profit to her masters.
Paul and Silas were accused of having proclaimed the gospel that did not fit in with the Roman way of thinking.
They are beaten, condemned and mistreated for the Gospel.
In this story, Paul and Silas do not complain; on the contrary, they get up in the middle of the night to pray and sing praises to the Lord.
Through this action, they proclaim God’s love and faithfulness to all.
As they did so, the heavens opened, there was an earthquake, all the doors were opened and the bonds of all the prisoners were broken.
This is how the jailer, seized with fear, repented and was converted.
Paul and Silas told him the good news and he and his family were baptised.
Paul and Silas were released thanks to the gospel and the manifestation of God’s love.
When the gospel is spread, when hearts are willing to receive, the Lord shines forth his glory.
There is no resistance where the word of God has taken its place.
There is no injustice when God’s presence is there.
There are just testimonies, miracles, wonders…
In Acts, 16:36 – And the jailer told Paul: The magistrates have sent word that you are to be released; now therefore come out and go in peace.
Pray for good news today.
Because Paul and Silas carried the glory of God,
the same people who had judged them asked for their freedom.
We don’t have to exert ourselves when God is at work,
we don’t have to worry about tribulation,
let’s just let the Lord know our needs in prayer and he will answer us.
Hello everyone
Have a good day

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