My Month Of Proclamation! Deut32:3

Luke, 8:1 – Then Jesus went from town to town and from village to village, preaching and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God.
Pray to be able to spread the gospel wherever you find yourself.
This passage tells us about the life of Jesus and what he dedicated his life to.
His primary mission was to see souls saved, and he did not hesitate to go into the villages.
Nowadays, we want the big cities,
we want the comfort of big cities,
we seek the security that comes with our pride to go and talk about the gospel.
Even missionaries are no longer interested in remote localities,
we have neglected the gospel in our far-flung corners,
we think that the rise of social networks is enough to reach people even in the villages.
We have all abandoned the villages to find ourselves only in the city because we want more money and more visibility.
Jesus taught in the synagogues, proclaimed the Gospel of the Kingdom and healed every disease and every infirmity, even in the villages.
Jesus had great compassion.
He went into towns and villages to seek out lost souls,
those who thirsted for justice,
the superficial,
the ignorant… to propose to them and bring them into the kingdom.
Surely Jesus had no limits in spreading the word wherever he went, in homes, in temples, in the streets, to individuals, teaching the good news.
Every opportunity was a privilege for the Lord to spread the gospel.
Through the word, Jesus makes God’s will known.
The Lord calls us to be skilled and faithful labourers in his field.
It’s a harvest that must be done every season.
Like the Lord, let us spread out more, let us be more active so that the word of God is not under the bush.
It’s our responsibility to speak about our Jesus wherever we are.
Hello everyone
Good day

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