My Month Of Proclamation! Deut32:3

Talking about God is no longer spontaneous; we prefer to tell stories and take human examples to encourage a soul when there is nothing more effective and powerful than the word of God.
We feel comfortable looking away from God’s work.
No one needs to know that we belong to a ministry,
we don’t dare bear witness to God’s love for fear of being judged or seen differently.
We are unable to assume our identity in Jesus because we are worried about how others will see us,
we do not have enough confidence in ourselves and in God.
Beloved, we have come to tell ourselves that those who sing the name of the Lord and bless him are those who know him and rejoice in him.
They know that life with God is a true delight,
it is a perpetual joy…
They are witnesses to God’s love.
That’s why they can’t resist talking about how happy they are to share their lives with the Lord.
Proclaiming the gospel is not a seasonal, momentary or specific activity, it’s a covenant,
it’s a connection,
it’s a daily communion…
The Bible tells us that for the return of the Ark of the Covenant, David organised a great feast, so much so that he himself, the king, danced and celebrated in front of the Ark.
To praise the Lord in front of everyone,
, is to acknowledge his submission, his admiration and his faithfulness.
Let’s proclaim the reign of the Lord,
Let’s talk about what the Lord is doing in our lives every day.
Every day we are a sign of God’s glory but we fail to spread the good news.
Anyone who thinks they don’t need Jesus needs to know about God’s love and sacrifice on the cross for our sins.
Let’s not let perdition destroy the world,
let’s allow God’s word to take hold and affect lives.
1 Chronicles, 16:23 – Sing to the Lord, all you inhabitants of the earth! Proclaim his salvation from day to day;
May your proclamation of the Lord’s salvation always be current.
We sing because we are happy, joy overflows.
Songs of joy are in our mouths because the Lord has done us good.
A new song is on our lips because we are satisfied and we express our gratitude to the mighty God.
It is in this rejoicing that we must stand for the truth and for the gospel.
Let us bear witness to what Jesus continues to do in our lives.
Hello everyone
Have a good day

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