My Month Of Proclamation! Deut32:3

This is the eighth day of the month of Proclamation.
The world is celebrating women.
Women are in the limelight, they are around the tables for debates,
for conferences, to make themselves heard and to assert themselves.
Beloved, if we want to be heard,
we must make a difference to attract attention.
Let’s take the example of a radio station: it has several stations with specific frequencies.
To gain notoriety and listenership, we need to have what the others don’t have and don’t offer.
To select a frequency and subscribe to it, we have to be interested, we have to feel concerned, we have to find satisfaction in it.
Some are good, some are bad, some have no positive energy at all, but they all want a name, a place in the sun.
So we are like radio stations.
Our mind is like a radio.
Many voices want to be heard,
many people want to be seen, some are inclined towards seduction and appearances,
others are connected to the throne of God, to the word of God, to the real thing itself.
The latter are attached to the source which is Jesus from whom all draw.
In this frequency, it is God’s reign that prevails.
On this channel, God’s will is imposed.
In this station, it is the gospel that is proposed.
What is the state of our spirit?
Are we well connected?
Are people inspired by us?
Is what comes out of us pure?
In our frequency, it is the truth that is allowed,
it is the presence of God that dominates.
To be a reference and a frequency, the Bible advises us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
So we must purify, cleanse and refresh every broken, fragile soul.
We must influence and shine our lamp.
Let’s choose our thoughts carefully,
Let’s meditate on the Word of God,
Let’s invite the Holy Spirit and let’s always be joyful.
Let’s choose the frequency to which we are going to tune in, the frequency of faith and not of fear, the frequency of God’s voice and not that of the world.
The right frequency is the word of God.
Let our spirit and our thoughts be filled with God’s love and that’s how we too will attract others a little by our fragrance and by the spiritual authority that emanates from us.
So, first of all, we have to return to the Lord, have a deep relationship with him, tell everyone about our lover, and then maintain the flame, the reputation of our frequency.
This is only possible through our closeness to the Lord.
Become a divine frequency to all.
Acts, 8:35 – Then Philip, opening his mouth and beginning with this passage, told him the good news about Jesus.
When we are a good frequency with a good network, we have only one priority, and that is to tell everyone that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.
It means talking about Jesus’ love and his faithfulness.
It means testifying to everyone that the glory of the second house is more real and greater than that of the first.
Hello everyone
Good day

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