My Month Of Stability! Ps62:2

Why should we worry when our future is in the Lord’s hands?
Let us put our trust in him; he is the one who perfects our lives.
It is he who gives us fertile seasons,
he is the one who satisfies our hearts with food and happiness.
Let’s get to know the Lord,
he guides us to success,
he pushes us towards a radiant destiny.
One day, one of the prophets’ wives found herself in trouble after the death of her husband, with no money and a complicated situation.
Her children were enslaved by the creditor and she had no solution.
Her life was nothing but lamentations and despair until the day she met the prophet Elisha to tell him of her desolation.
The Bible says that the man of God asked what she had in her house,
At first she said she had nothing.
Then she pulled herself together and told him how little oil she had.
Elisha gave her instructions,
he released a word,
he released the blessing.
No doubt the woman questioned the feasibility of her solution.
But she obeyed anyway, and went to lend the containers to the neighbours,
she entered the house and locked the door behind her as she had been instructed.
She started filling the vases and the little oil she had filled all the bowls in front of them.
This is how the lady sold the oil, paid her debts and freed her children from bondage.
When the Lord acts on our behalf, all the doors that were closed in front of us are opened.
When the hand of God intervenes on our behalf, we are heard.
When the voice of the Lord declares a word, we are more than conquerors.
God’s presence is the only path that keeps us firm.
So let us rejoice.
John, 5:17 – But Jesus said to them, “My Father has been working until now.
Fast and pray that the Lord will work for your stability.
God is not limited; he is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Our God has not changed, he keeps his promises and his grace is available.
He always gives us what our hearts desire, provided we are in his will.
So let’s count on the Lord for our next level.
Good day to you
Good day to you

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