My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

As human beings, we tend to be forgetful.
We easily leave many things behind, even though they are important.
We can even neglect them, even though we know that the blessing is just around the corner.
When was the last time we reached out to a poor person?
When was the last time we paid attention to a soul in need?
We pass by these people all the time, but we are not always sensitive to their situations.
Sometimes we’re even the ones who make fun of them because we think we’re better than they are.
Yet it is also our responsibility to be generous with those in need.
We also need to know that the needy are not just those in material need,
it is also those who need the word of God.
One day, Elijah himself had closed heaven and decreed a drought for several years in Israel, but he didn’t know that he himself would suffer from this decree.
So he became destitute,
he needed help,
He needed a shoulder to lean on, and that’s how the Lord allowed him to come into contact with the widow of Serepta, who had to help him with what little she had.
We must learn to share what little we have,
we must be helpers to others.
So let’s remember the paralytic from birth who sat at the gates of beauty, at the entrance to the temple.
For this handicapped man, his life had no more value; he knew that it was all over until one day, when Jesus’ disciples, Peter and John, took an interest in his case.
And that day, it was the hour of blessing, it was the hour of the miracle and restoration took place.
This beggar only needed to put his faith into action for Jesus to work a miracle.
Isaiah 1:17 – Learn to do good, seek justice, protect the oppressed; do right by the fatherless, defend the widow.
Remember and do good to the needy.
These are the people we most neglect, but they are the ones the Lord protects.
Doing good must be our daily desire,
It is not innate in us, but we must strive to make an effort every day to make others happy.
We must treat others with respect and not fail to give our support to those who are in need.
This is what the Lord is recommending to us this day.
Good morning to you all
Good day to you all

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