My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

Doing good is good.
Jesus did not say to do good whenever we want,
he did not say to do good according to our moods or our assets.
Doing good is a principle, it’s his principle.
Many times, we have asked ourselves why we sow and we reap nothing, we are disappointed to see that we have no return and we can stop doing things.
We’d like to tell ourselves that there are seasons when we should plant, others when we should wait and others when we should reap.
Just because we’ve done something good and our neighbour was ungrateful and foolish doesn’t mean we should stop, get discouraged or get tired.
Let’s not let tiredness and exhaustion hold us back and weaken our arms.
Doing good bears fruit.
When Elijah came to meet the widow of Serepta,
he needed support, he needed food,
he wanted guidance.
But do we think that the widow was obliged to help him?
Was she obliged to share her bread with him?
She was already in trouble with her son,
they were already on the verge of death and famine had covered the town.
What would we have done in this mother’s place?
What decision would we have made in the face of this embarrassment?
This servant didn’t just see the man of God, she already looked and saw her neighbour,
she saw her brother,
she saw a destitute, a needy person and she chose to commit her generosity.
And the lack went away from her too.
Beloved, the good we do is not lost.
We live in a world where we cultivate individualism,
where doing evil has become normal, but we should know that this is not what the Lord expects of us.
Doing good means showing solidarity,
it means helping,
it means loving,
it means doing something for others,
it’s giving of your time and your money, it’s bringing wisdom into your heart,
it’s attracting blessings into our lives…
1 Thessalonians, 5:15 – Take care that no one repays another evil for evil; but always do good to one another and to everyone else.
Let your desires always be to do good to your neighbour.
The fact that we are treated unkindly does not give us the right to do evil; God wants us to return good for evil.
To do good, we don’t have to look far: where we live, there are many people who rejoice in the care we give them.
So let’s get busy taking care of others and encouraging each other in fraternal communion.
Good morning to us
Good day to you

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