My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

After David had imposed the enumeration of the people of Israel and Joab had handed it over to him.
David realised that he had committed a great sin by doing this.
And David humbled himself before the Lord, begging his forgiveness because his act was that of a fool.
Every time we turn away from the way of the Lord and return to his feet,
he forgives us,
he accepts us, but we still suffer the consequences.
That’s what happened with David,
he received his punishment,
men died in Israel because of the plague sent by the Lord.
But David knew that the Lord is merciful and is always ready to cradle us in his arms, so he continued to implore God’s grace and the angel who rose with death withdrew.
After all these things, the Lord gave David an instruction through his prophet.
In order for the Lord’s heart to rejoice, David, who had committed the sin, was to build an altar to the Lord.
The Bible tells us that David went to Araunah to buy a place to build an altar so that the plague would be removed from the people.
Aravna wanted to offer the King everything he needed to make his altar, but for the King, he knew that taking things for free and giving them to God had no value,
the blessings belong to the one who made the sacrifice.
So David said no, he wants to buy everything for money.
So David built an altar there to the Lord and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings.
So the Lord was appeased to the land, and the plague left Israel.
All this is to urge us to do things that please the Lord.
To put aside our pride and give glory to the Lord,
to honour the name that is above every name.
Romans, 2:5 – But by your hardness and impenitent heart you are storing up for yourself a treasury of wrath for the day of wrath and the manifestation of God`s righteous judgment,
Romans, 2:6 – who will render to every man according to his deeds;
Fast and pray to do things that are pleasing to the Lord.
We must do things that do not take us out of God’s presence, our works follow us and speak for us.
And the Lord who searches our hearts knows exactly our intentions behind the actions we take.
So we are invited simply to satisfy the Lord our God first.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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