My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

Here we are on Friday, the weekend is shaping up to be a colourful one and we are blessing the Lord for his blessings.
He is the only one capable of granting us this grace; he always makes sure that happiness and grace accompany us.
This morning we want to talk about God’s will.
God’s will is perfect, but it’s not always fulfilled, and it’s not our Jesus’ fault; we are our own obstacle.
How is it that God told Abraham that his children would spend 400 years in Egypt as slaves, but they took longer?
Why the extra years?
Because we’ve forgotten who we are: hot-tempered, touchy, proud…
We’ve forgotten where we come from,
we forget what hole God got us into,
we forget what God has done for us,
we forget that he is faithful, we forget the promises he made to us and we make the same mistakes.
We get impatient, we get tired, we cross the bars and we fall asleep.
And we miss out on our destiny.
Israel multiplied in Egypt; they were a great people, but they didn’t dominate.
God’s will is not only that we fill the earth with human beings, but also that we fill it with our gifts, our abilities, our talents, our hospitals, our shops…
Genesis, 1:28 – And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Pray that you will not be an obstacle to the divine plan.
The blessing is a word.
Since this word came from the mouth of God, we can say that the blessing is every good word that comes from the mouth of God.
Fruitfulness is the first component of God’s blessing.
*To be fruitful means to produce, to give life, beginning with the fruit of our womb.
*To multiply* is to increase the number, the quantity of beings or things.
It is impossible to multiply unless you are fertile.
You cannot be fruitful unless you are blessed.
And what follows is that we fill the earth.
To subject, means to make subject, to submit or to keep under one’s domination.
Man shapes the earth in his own way.
Man builds and arranges things as he likes.
He plants the flowers he wants, he creates the roads, he arranges…
To dominate, this time, means to command sovereignly,
to have absolute power,
to master,
to exercise authority, influence over…as far as we are concerned, over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every animal that moves on the earth.
Let’s just obey God’s word, he has put everything in place so that we can be happy.
Good morning to you all
Good day to you

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