My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

It’s our third day of the month of awakening.
We had all better stop sleeping and get up and take our possessions.
So let’s talk about our prayer lives.
As children of God, we are quick to say that we serve God,
that the God we worship is faithful,
that we are God’s favourite children, that everything is good for us…
Sometimes these are our words,
Sometimes these are the things we say to seduce the congregation, but the question in all this is, what is our prayer life like?
When we talk about prayer life,
we’re not talking about those moments we take when life has passed us by,
we’re not talking about the moments that suit our moods,
we don’t talk about Sunday sharing,
we don’t talk about the things we do to please our pastors…
We talk about our relationship with our lover,
we talk about those intimate moments with our Creator,
we’re talking about the spiritual connection with our Lord,
we talk about the fusion that emanates from our communion.
The prayer life is consistency,
it’s depth,
it’s permanence, it’s even performance,
it’s coherence,
it’s density,
it’s the stability with which we maintain it.
When we have a prayer life, we don’t need to advertise it.
How can we have a prayer life if we don’t respect our agreements with the Lord?
How can we have a life of prayer if sleep takes us to the place of rendezvous?
Without a prayer life, our flesh will always impose its will on us,
Without a life of prayer, we will never experience spiritual growth,
Without a life of prayer, we will be weak and immature Christians,
Without a life of prayer, we are a people perishing for lack of knowledge.
It is the life of prayer that releases the blessings withheld by the King of Persia.
The Bible tells us that Paul and Silas were imprisoned for the gospel.
Around midnight, they began to sing and praise the Lord.
The other prisoners listened to them and suddenly there was a great earthquake that shook the foundations of the prison.
All the doors opened at once and the chains of all the prisoners were loosened.
Paul and Silas lived a life of prayer; the miracle did not happen by chance,
they had a spiritual discipline,
It was their spiritual constancy that opened their skies.
Do we want to experience miracles and wonders, do we want sparkling testimonies?
Let’s develop our prayer life.
Frame it,
Let’s make it a priority.
Colossians, 4:2 – Persevere in prayer and give thanks.
Pray for a consistent prayer life.
To persevere: to insist, to remain firm, to be obstinate…
Perseverance is patience, not discouragement after a little effort,
it means staking your faith…
Let us fight our battles in prayer and we will win.
Lord, just keep us attached to you.
Alone, no matter how hard we try, we won’t succeed in keeping our prayer life.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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