My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

We have to learn to have integrity!
It’s very embarrassing, at every level, we are false people.
Our hearts are so false and bitter, our mouths say things we don’t mean.
We pretend to love others but our eyes look at them with such contempt and rejection.
We have called them our friends but we have not failed to sabotage them when the opportunity has presented itself to us,
We socialised with them,
we’ve eaten with them but we’ve also planned to hurt them,
Some are family members with whom we thought we were safe but we have not hesitated to disqualify them.
Beloved, without integrity we cannot be happy,
real happiness cannot accompany us.
People have done us good but we can’t be tolerant of them,
We do everything we can to paint them black and we’re always ready to discredit them and pass ourselves off as better people.
Today is our third day of the month of integrity.
Three refers to complementarity, to wholeness…
Eight of August is about new beginnings.
These two ingredients with a touch of integrity automatically open the doors to blessing, glory, fertility, true happiness.
This is what the Lord wants us to experience on this day.
Let’s be careful what comes out of our mouths, let’s stop feeding the spirit of lies to make ourselves accepted.
We are the ones who neglect the importance of values,
We always want to rebel against the Lord’s instructions, but as long as we are not just and upright in our ways,
we will not experience a certain ascension.
People in whom we have placed our trust, like Ahithophel, but who have not failed to turn their backs on us when possible,
when they saw their own interests at stake.
Ahithophel was King David’s adviser, but he betrayed David without hesitation later to support Absalom, David’s son, in his rebellion to overthrow his father’s kingship.
It was always Ahithophel, David’s special adviser, who advised Absalom to sleep with all the concubines of David, his father.
The Achitophel we have in our lives,
people we think are faithful but who disappoint us.
Ahithophel and his wisdom, his hidden anger, his influence, his authority suffered from a lack of integrity.
We may think we are honest, different, special people but that is just because we have not yet been served at our tables, an excuse.
In any case, if our tongues are always quick to talk nonsense,
to denigrate others and to distance ourselves from the word of God, we are sick and the Lord is calling to help us rectify this filth in our lives.
Psalms, 15:2 – He that walketh uprightly, and doeth righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart.
Psalms, 15:3 – He will not slander with his tongue. He will not harm his neighbour.
Pray for an understanding of the benefits of practicing integrity.
Integrity means telling the truth and honouring others.
We see that bad words,
quarrels and disputes are truly ignited by Gehenna, and he who acts in this way cannot be in harmony with God.
Beloved, let us curb our tongue.
What do we do when we hear evil or slanderous words?
Can we keep our mouths shut?
Many people have let the truth escape from their hearts by listening to a gossiping tongue.
Let us pray that the Lord will bring us out of this,
Let us pray that the Lord will associate us with people of integrity.
Good morning to you all
Good day to you all

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