My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

Beloved, we cannot talk about integrity without talking about sanctification, spiritual discipline.
It is holiness that opens the door to loyalty.
Aaron was a Levite, he was a servant of God whom the Lord had chosen to use but Aaron was anything but set apart for God.
Integrity is lived out, sanctification identifies us.
That’s why Aaron, who was supposed to be an example for God’s people, didn’t hesitate to help make the golden calf.
What exactly happened?
Aaron was the authorised voice of the Lord,
he was the high priest, but when we see the lightness and audacity with which the people had made the proposal to him.
We understand that Aaron had a problem,
He was still tied to Egypt, the covenants of Egypt were still attached to his mentality.
Aaron had not yet disconnected himself from the Egyptian gods and system.
Aaron, who is supposed to be the leader after Moses goes to the mountain to bring back the instructions, proposes to the Israelites that they take off their jewellery and give it to him in order to make themselves an idol to worship and put their trust in.
It is in this action that we understand that Aaron was not delivered from the idols.
When God informs Moses of the sin of this unbelieving and rebellious people, Moses comes down from the mountain and finds a mess.
Disappointed and betrayed, he broke the stone tablets bearing the commandments and ordered the people to purify themselves.
Aaron was not equal to his calling,
He lacked integrity towards God, who had already performed miracles and wonders in his presence.
This scene is a testimony to our true human nature: we are ready to violate the covenant by our disobedience.
And this is the danger of many of God’s servants who allow themselves to be led by pride, and we recognise ourselves very well in Aaron’s attitude.
It is important to be holy, to have a pure heart in order to be able to manage leadership according to spiritual expectations.
My friends, the time is coming, and indeed has already come, when the Lord is looking for workers who truly fear him,
who live attached to Christ.
Let’s stop polluting our lives with company that takes us away from heaven,
Let’s stop swimming in distractions that distort God’s work,
Let’s stop not being serious about serving the Lord.
If we could not remain firm in our love for Yaweh,
it is clear that many factors will separate us from God’s love.
Let us persevere in our intimacy with the King of kings, let us immerse our identity in his so that he can influence us.
2 Corinthians, 7:1 – Having therefore such promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, perfecting our sanctification in the fear of God.
Fast and pray to seek holiness at all times.
We cannot continue to let sin dominate us.
We must repent and purify ourselves before the Lord,
we must leave the old things,
leave our old nature and set ourselves apart for the Lord to mark out and flatten the path of our destiny.
Good morning brothers and sisters
Good day to you

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