My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

We have to be careful about the choices we make with our friends.
They can lead us to make bad decisions or lose good qualities.
Let’s stop telling ourselves that we are Christians, we have the Holy Spirit, no one can influence us, it’s up to us to take the lead.
No one can divert us from the path of the Lord and all sorts of things that we are champions of.
Solomon chatted like us,
he was an intelligent and wise man,
he had the honour of building God’s temple and having a solid kingship.
Yet, at the end of his life, he was a disaster.
He was neither hot nor cold,
he had lost touch with God,
his heart was divided, his love for God had grown cold…
He had connected himself to the wrong source,
he had made the wrong alliances,
He told himself that the anointing of God in him should dominate those around him and improve his relationships.
Instead of leading his wives to serve the Lord
he instead bowed down to Baalim,
he did himself wrong and very wrong,
he worshipped other gods, taking part in idol worship, and God withdrew from him too.
Beloved, when the Eternal One says to flee from sin and to be upright, this is non-negotiable.
To flee = to distance oneself radically,
it means separating,
it means abandoning everything that does not glorify the Lord.
Solomon was trapped by his overconfidence,
he didn’t let God choose his connections.
Instead of him walking at the Lord’s pace, he wanted God to follow him.
It doesn’t work like that, loving God and the world creates adversity at some point in our lives.
Who do we associate with?
Who do we build relationships with?
There’s a saying that goes “show me who you walk with and I’ll tell you who you are”.
Our companies say a lot about our behaviour,
They give us information that we like to deny but which is true.
We can’t collaborate with mercenaries and not want to be counted as part of their circle.
Beware, friends…
Not all friends are good for us, some are toxic, profiteers, envious, venomous…
The Word of God forbids us to sit in the company of scoffers,
those who reject and laugh at the things of God,
those who have a rebellious attitude towards God.
The communion we have with others sometimes leads us to accept their advice, to go where they go.
And that’s the story of Amnon in the Bible, David’s son, who confided in his friend and cousin Jonadab how much he loved his sister.
Jonadab gave him bad advice on how to seduce her, with terrible consequences.
If we really want to serve God, we must learn to separate ourselves from the tares that pollute a whole field.
1 Corinthians, 15:33 – Do not be deceived: bad company corrupts good morals.
Pray to rid yourself of bad company.
Let’s stop lying to ourselves,
Being with Egyptians will lead us to think and act like them.
It’s up to us not to let ourselves be seduced by the world.
Obey the Lord’s commandments and we will be victorious.
Good morning beloved
Good day to you

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