My Month Of Strengthening! Ps125:1

It’s already the seventh day of the month of strengthening and the Lord is putting righteousness and assurance together to make us understand that doing things right is just as important.
We must understand that we cannot do what we want and in a mess and come back to make great offerings.
Are sacrifices enough to make up for our dirt, our sins.
The answer is no.
Good deeds are not enough; our trust in the Lord cannot be bought.
What the Lord expects of us is that we practice his justice.
Practising God’s justice means acting well towards him and towards others,
it means walking in truth and shunning sin, it means turning away from evil,
it means repenting when we have disobeyed God’s rule,
it means offering a broken and circumcised heart to the Lord.
The practice of righteousness is our relationship with Christ,
We must constantly keep the garment of God’s justice on our lives and remain in his communion.
It’s up to us to put in place a life discipline that pleases God through our decisions, our actions, our thoughts, a lifestyle that keeps us honest and faithful.
Isaiah 45:18 – For thus says the LORD, the Creator of the heavens, the only God, who formed the earth, who made it and established it, who created it so that it would not be desolate, who formed it so that it would be inhabited: I am the LORD, and there is no other.
Pray to become a person who loves and practices justice in 2025.
God is our creator and he is sovereign.
His glory is infinite, so if we actively seek him, he will let us find him.
He has promised us great blessings.
Those who trust in the Lord in this year will be refreshed and stable.
Lord, teach us and bind us to your righteousness, in Jesus’ name.
Good morning brothers and sisters
Good day to you

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