My Month Of Strengthening! Ps125:1

February is over and our last word for the month is perseverance to the end.
To persevere is to remain firm in our commitment to be faithful to God despite the trials.
We need to know that everyone needs to be strengthened, even those with great experience in the faith, because the devil is on the prowl and we can go astray at any moment and drift away from the church.
We cannot be strengthened if we are not persevering.
Perseverance takes time and we may even believe that it is not possible but with patience we are always victorious.
In Matthew 12, a parable tells us of a man who put his house in order after the torment of an evil spirit.
Peace and joy reigned in the house, he experienced a new grace, the spirit of God was there, but he could not maintain this anointing.
He couldn’t keep that testimony for long because he failed to secure his house, he left it empty and it became easy prey for the darkness again.
He didn’t keep the flame burning, his house and his destiny were in danger.
1 Corinthians, 1:8 – He will also strengthen you to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Honor the Lord, who has promised to strengthen you to the end.
Paul is concerned about the church in Corinth, and urges it to remain united and loving until the Lord returns.
Let us not allow tribulation to dry us up and break us,
let us draw our strength from Jesus.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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