My Month Of Proclamation! Deut32:3

Beloved, this is our Proclamation month but talking about Jesus is still very awkward for many of us.
It’s true that there are social barriers, but it’s very important to always find a way to present the good news to someone.
Society intimidates us and makes us realise that serving Jesus is private and that we shouldn’t bother those we meet.
We are all driven to be silent about the one who gives us life and to whom the earth belongs.
Imagine if our fathers had behaved like us, where would the Gospel be today?
Our ancestors had an ease, a great love and a courage that we have lost because we failed to preserve our rights,
we have allowed ourselves to be dragged into tolerances that have broken our spiritual connections.
We are still caught up in fear, lack of faith and timidity when it comes to defending the word of God.
We are immediately stunned by the looks in our families and offices when we want to bring this subject to the table.
It’s easy to talk about current affairs, the weather or children, but the Word of God must never be a topic of conversation.
Because we ourselves are embarrassed,
we don’t also assume our identity in Jesus.
Yet in other heavens, it’s normal and acceptable to talk about their idols, their gods, their prayers and fasts, and nobody minds.
God is part of us, he is part of our daily lives,
We pray to him because we trust him, so it’s vital to tell others what keeps us balanced,
It’s necessary for others to know the testimony that continues to be glorious in our lives.
Let’s tell others about our own experiences with Jesus to draw them into the fold.
The Samaritan woman met Jesus, but there’s a difference.
She left everything behind, jug and all, and went into town to tell people about the Lord’s blessings.
Having communion with Jesus improves our lives, makes us a witness, and makes us better.
Speak of the Lord Jesus Christ without restraint.
Colossians 1:28 – We proclaim him, admonishing everyone and teaching everyone in all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ to God.
It is Jesus and no one else who reigns over the principalities, and it is he whom each of us must meet in order to become a son, a co-heir of the kingdom of God.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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