My Month Of Restoration ! Ps23:3

The word of God advises us to seek the kingdom of God first, to prioritize the word of God, to put it first, to think of God first, to take an interest in the things of God first, of s ‘attach to things above above all, we must seek God first, make him reign first, he must be the first in our hearts and in our thoughts.
Our priority must be the kingdom of heaven, that is clear and it is clear.
The most important is not our business, nor our treasures, nor our well being, but it is our salvation.
The question we ask ourselves this morning is what do we devote our energy to?
Do we invest in vain things or in the service of God?
Let us know that we must not focus on this world with its titles, its deceptive attractions but on the kingdom of God.
It’s time to redefine our priorities, it’s important to set the record straight, it’s even useful to redefine ourselves and know exactly what is essential for us.
We have long drawn our strength from the glory of the world, we have taken care of our appearances to be seen and to be accepted, we have served other gods who think they have eternal security and assurance, we have worried about our next day because our eyes are still focused on the earth.
Let’s read God’s instruction this morning Pray for the divine redefinition of the priorities.
Proverbs 28:19 – He that tilleth his field is full of bread, but he that pursues vain things is full of poverty.
How do we expect to eat if we are not working or if we are doing something else instead of working?
* The field * is our workplace, our project, our activity.
If we do not work to improve our condition and promote laziness, we will be miserable.
Let us apply ourselves to doing our duty well, our task if we want an easy life.
We have spent too much time dealing with things that are unnecessary, worthless, of little importance, little impact, little result and it will be impossible for us to enjoy the fruit of our field.
The Bible compares us to fools, to fools.
* Cultivate your field * is to take care of your own business, it is to focus on the essential, the one that makes us move forward.
Let us have the principle of focus within us, let us be able to discipline our visions, our thoughts, our actions towards a direction to achieve a specific goal.
We are therefore invited to refocus, to reframe ourselves in the spiritual and to love God.
The glory is yours, father.
Hello everybody
Have a good day

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