My Month Of Distinction! Ps139 :14

Lord, how do we stop talking nonsense?
How to stop this momentum that seems to control us and that we do not realize?
How to channel this overflow of energy?
How not to put the organs in our discussions and not allow the enemy to rob us?
Subtly, the devil manipulates us, he draws us into his nets and we fall.
The words drip for so little, the words come out without measure.
We absolutely have to talk, we absolutely have to show who we are, we want to impose our opinions and make our opinions prevail.
We think it’s a way to dominate, it’s a way to make others fear and respect us.
We usually say that talking too much is sick.
We are sick, Father.
With our tongues we are handed over to sorcerers,
with our mouths we invited the wicked into our homes,
With our lips we destroyed the stability that was ours.
Let’s shut up,
let’s calm down,
Let’s hide
Let’s humble ourselves.
Patience is a fruit of the spirit that the Lord wants to offer to each of us.
Every time we talk too much, sin comes in.
Whenever we lose control, anger weakens us.
All because we talk too much, we want to be right, we want to justify ourselves, we don’t want to ask forgiveness for our offenses.
In any case, the Eternal gives us his advice for the day, he leads us to rethink our attitudes and reframe ourselves.
In Proverbs, 18:13 – He who answers before he has listened Does an act of folly and brings confusion.
Pray to be able to listen more than you talk.
This is what we do every time, we interrupt others without having listened to them, the bible tells us that it makes us bad people.
We are very tempted in all circumstances, keep silent because many traps are in front of us, watch over our mouths and our tongues.
We are called fools when we get involved in everything.
Let’s pay attention to our words and let Jesus take the place.
hello to us
Have a good day

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