My Month of Gratitude!Ep5:20

We have places,
We have houses
We have assemblies
We have churches
We have ministries
But we have a God
A God who is above everything and who directs everything.
His power is manifest.
To be in his house is to be with him, to give him our time, to love him, to adore him, to say thank you.
And this morning, we want to say thank you to our beloved, we want to say thank you to our partner forever, we want to say thank you to our advice.
He is a trustworthy person, every month we did not fail to pay the rent, our Lord remembered us every month of this year, he vouched to baptize our months: from communion fraternal, renovation, service, elevation, the coating of divine abilities to gratitude.
Our ministry is blessed.
The love of the Lord overflows in this place.
For all this privilege, we say thank you Lord, for all these moments spent with you, dad thank you.
For having hidden in your wing during this year each member of our assemblies.
We want to be grateful yahweh for your presence among us.
May the ministry be a reflection of your word Lord, allow us to leave our old habits for a new education coming from you.
All good things come from you, all possibilities are in you, you alone make the way and for all these graces, we thank you greatly.
Be the master of our lives in ministry, break in us that pride, this self-esteem that handicaps us, teaches us humility, integrity.
We surrender ourselves to you Father, we offer you this ministry.
Your plan for us will be executed in any letter.
In your word, James 1:17 – every excellent grace and every perfect gift comes down from above, from the Father of lights, in whom there is neither change nor shadow of variation.
Thank the Almighty for RMI.
Hello home
Have a good day

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