My Month of Gratitude!Ep5:20

To serve God is also to be safe from want, to have in a way integrated what one must have, to possess the nations never planned.
To be with God is to miss nothing.
The Bible says that gold and silver belong to our father.
He gives to whom he wants and without reservation.
All the earth is his.
It is called * Jehovah Jireh, the God the provider *
He has provided in every area of ​​our lives, all we have is because of him, so it is important to trust God in the field of money because it is with this money that we buy our goods.
A good can be a house, a car, a phone, a jewel, a clothing, wisdom, a talent, a book …
Many people think that the more we put the means to one thing, the more the thing has the value, the more the thing makes sense, the more we value it, and the we can boast and declare that we have possessions, that the fruit work is finally concrete.
This morning’s passage is simple and clear: Deuteronomy 8:17 – Be careful not to say in your heart: My strength and the strength of my hand have given me these riches.
We must know that it is God alone who gives the financial and material security, he is the source.
Just tell us that no one even us, not even our work or our savings can guarantee us a desired comfort.
God can use a channel to allow us to come into possession of a good but know that it depends only on him.
Having a bank account provided, saving money means nothing if our trust is not in Jesus, it is the key, the starting point of our fulfillment.
The recommendation of the day says thank the Lord for your possesions.
Let’s tell the Lord we trust him.
He knows better than us our needs, thank you for taking care of us, Lord.
Thank you Lord for every thing you offer us.
Thank you Jesus for every talent, every gift we have,
Thank you for dressing and putting on shoes.
Thank you Lord for the locks of the heavens you are opening
Thank you because you pour on us the blessings in abundance
Thank you Lord, because you allow us to honor you with our goods, our first fruits and the income from our granaries.
To you all the prosperity
Have a nice day each of us

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