My Month of Gratitude!Ep5:20

Sometimes we live with people and we do not know the grace we have to have them with us.
We want to take this day to thank God for our friends.
Many of us spend not very pleasant moments with those around them, but by blessing the Lord for them, we can have a miracle of reconciliation.
Let’s look less at the flaws of our loved ones, think of their qualities and say thank to God.
In doing so, we realize their value.
We are so different from each other, it is difficult for us to live together, in peace and in love but it is the wish of God, that we manage to brave all situations and find equilibrium.
The Bible says in Proverbs, 17:17 – The friend loves at all times, And in misfortune he shows himself a brother.
Thank the Lord for your friends.
The success of our lives also depends on our friends.
Do not see our misunderstanding, love us and be grateful.
Think of the good times together and give thanks.
Each friendship, relationship is unique.
A friendship is a gift, it enriches us, it makes us grow and can influence on our faith.
Let’s look at Jonathan and David, they had a healthy and deep relationship. Jonathan was son of king and David shepherd but their difference of rank did not affect their relationship.
Say thank you to God for each of our friends.
Desire that God use our friendships for his glory and the advancement of his kingdom.
May our friendship be an instrument to communicate the love of the Lord and to encourage a friend to become attached to the Lord.
Thank you my God for selecting our friends.
Thank you Jesus for our loved ones who participate in our lives, our failures, our sufferings, our sorrows.
Beyond all these tests, they are at our side, they are ready to help us.
We end this day reaffirming our fidelity at all times and our love for each one of you.
Our prayers are with you.
Good day and hello friends

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