My Month of Gratitude!Ep5:20

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
Life is Jesus. He is the source.
Cooperating with the Lord means synchronizing our life with him.
This morning’s instruction gives us the realization that we are elected.
It is the third day of the month of gratitude, it is the third day that Jesus returns to life, it is the third day that many become aware of its power, it is always the third day that the world recognizes that it is a living testimony, it is still the third day that its history is different in the eyes of the humans, it is this day that the stone rolled, it rolled so that we men are more tolerant, it had rolled for our lives to change and for the incredulity of men to fall and to cling to the victory of Jesus.
Our Lord is not just anyone, He watches over His word to execute it, He arranges for the life that flows in his life to line our path.
How not to worship him for our lives?
Every day, deaths, wounds, accidents, incidents, crying …
We are always there, alive, in joy, in peace.
It is not by our strength, because the one who sits on the throne, the one whose eyes roam the whole earth has decided otherwise.
We do not do anything special but our God is in charge of protecting us, his love is not soo immense and intense?
Celebrate this first Sunday, December is ours, we have the assurance of our life, we know that its light precedes us.
So let us celebrate !!!
Celebrate life,
celebrate the resurrection,
let’s celebrate our extra years that God offers us.
* To be with the Lord is to have a certain prolonged life *.
Proverbs 9:11 – It is through me that your days will multiply, and the years of your life will increase.
Celebrate the Lord for your life!
Hello village
Have a good day

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