Brothers and sisters, do not we have more than one reason to be filled with gratitude, whatever the situation in which we find ourselves? We meet people devoured by grief, we listened to them, we felt sorry for them but unfortunately we did not find the words to comfort and support them. At each level, we have a challenge, a separation from a family member, the loss of hope, an illness to overcome …
At one point in our lives, we feel diminished, frustrated, our universe is cracked, it happens to all of us and it’s not easy. But we have a secret, the secret that soothes, that removes sourness and that can redecorate our environment: * recognition to God * It makes life sweeter, happier, more beautiful, if and only if we grow a spirit of gratitude.
In Colossians 3:15 – And let the peace of Christ, to which you have been called to form one body, reign in your hearts. And be grateful. Fast and pray to always be grateful!
Recognition, accepting others, is forgiving, reconciliation is love and support in the same spirit. We are different, it was the plan of God, he wants his command to be respected, he wants to teach us the tolerance, the patience of the other, he wants to mold our spirit so that we can think of others, give thanks for others.
Thank you is an act of acknowledgment, are we only aware of the privilege we have to get up in the morning? We are unhappy because we never think to thank. Let’s learn to be grateful every day, we wake up, we are intact, ready to start a new day, thank God and feel happy. Hello family. Have a good day.