My Month of Gratitude!Ep5:20

If there was a medicine for health, we would be willing to pay dearly and even very dearly.
Do we enjoy life? If this is not the case, it may be because we take for granted what we already have.
We do not value our blessings, we find them normal, we simplify the gift that is health because we say to ourselves that it is nothing while we have many problems.
Let’s not focus our thoughts on our lack instead on beautiful things in our lives.
Imagine the number of people who are sick, inert, motionless, lying down, blocked by illness, weakness, helplessness … Hospitals are overflowing, people suffering from all sorts of illnesses and have lost their smile and joy to live.
Those who will give everything to be in our place but alas …
We with our health full of zeal and arrogance do not know to raise this little word that is thanks …
If only we knew, we would not have fun, we would be grateful for this privilege, we would never fail to protest to the Lord to say Thank you.
Thank God for our health and for the strength it gives us.
When health is there, we can still fight to reach a goal.
Bad health weakens us, makes us vulnerable, weak, dependent …
If we told you this morning that as a Christian we already have a long life and free of charge.
The Bible gives us God’s perspective on health and we are interested in knowing it, keeping the health commandments and enjoying a long life.
What can really prevent us from going far with God is our ungrateful attitude without any recognition.
Even when we are empty and sensitive, Lord, you are here to raise us up.
Trusting in you catalyzes our lives and allows us to line up in front of you.
So, thank you to the Lord.
Thank you for the wonderful things he gave us,
Thank you for your plan in our lives Father,
May your word nourish us by force and give us the energy necessary to have an iron health.
Thank you for watching over us Jesus.
May glory return to you.
Jeremiah, 33: 6 – Behold, I will give him health and healing, and I will heal them, and will open to them an abundant source of peace and faithfulness.
Thank the Lord for your health.
Good morningggggggg

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