My Month Of Authority!Luke 10:19

Let us proclaim today that we are victorious, in the name of Jesus. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are at war, the devil is rodding and seeking to devour.
So we have only one option, exercise our authority as children of God using the Bible, let us know that whatever our struggles or struggles, let’s take courage because we have won. A battle with which we must fight: * our thoughts * Yes, we do not realize how much our bad thoughts can destroy our well-being and our future.
* I can not do it, I’m too old, I’ve had too many enemies in my life, I’m sticky … * We do exactly the opposite of what the Bible says.
We doubt our abilities, of ourselves.
This type of thinking prevents us from going far, silence the voice that speaks in us, this voice that manipulates us and reminds us constantly that we are made for the low end.
The Bible tells us that we can do everything through Jesus Christ, it means that God sees us differently, he sees us as strong, talented people, he fills us with gifts and talents, he encourages us and wants us to understand that we can fulfill our dreams and overcome our thoughts. Let’s understand one thing this morning, how we think conditions our way of living.
With positive thoughts, we can accomplish beautiful things, the opposite handicaps us and in the end, we are the shadow of ourselves.
Philippians, 4: 8 – For the rest, brothers, all that is true, all that is honorable, all that is just, all that is pure, all that is kind, all that is worthy of approval, what is virtuous and worthy of praise, be the object of your thoughts. Take authority over your mindset. Let’s have a positive attitude on this day and be winners for the rest of our lives.
Hello to us.
Have a good day

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