My Month of Authority!Luke10:19

Whether we like it or not, the day we have decided to follow Jesus, we have also openly declared war on Satan and his clan, so let’s be vigilant, do not fall for their trick because that’s their goal.
Our verse of the day brings us into Ephesians 6:12 – For we have not to fight against flesh and blood, but against the dominions, against the authorities, against the princes of this world of darkness, against evil spirits in heavenly places.
May the Lord grant you understanding about enemies.
We are well warned, the battle is not physical, it is not a war between people, it is spiritual, it can only be won by spiritual means.
The strong man is not physical in battle but we see his works and his results.
We often have uncontrollable reactions to our loved ones and others, we are excessive, we often have harsh words that break and hurt the other, we let the enemy communicate bad mood, control our thoughts, we do not often realize what we are doing as we do it, we often regret and wonder if our actions were necessary … Yes, it happened with more than one Of us, we did not realize that it was an attack of the enemy so we did not take authority over our thoughts in the name of Jesus Christ. It’s the same thing when we have a delinquent brother or sister, rebellious, we do not need to drive him back all the time rather to face the evil spirits who persecute them.
There are many examples but we understand that we do not need arguments or tugging at people, the fight is spiritual. Let us stop always wanting to avenge the offenses of men, the devil raises us against our brothers, we waste our time to breathe and fight against flesh and blood and the battle is futile.
Let us attack directly the enemy who invades us and hurts us, let’s go to the depths to lead the war. Good morning people of God.
May the Lord sustained us.
Have a nice day.

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