My Month of Authority!Luke10:19

Do not we say that man is an eternal dissatisfied?
Always in the unbridled search for goods, possessions, money … And it is in this movement that the world has managed to place us all, more time for nothing at all for God, * time is money *. Our life is founded in the possession of material goods, that is what gives us the power, the word, the identity, the honors … everything happens as if with the riches, we can all to buy, to order everything , all have … It’s not our fault, it’s the company that dictates the rules to follow, it requires us to have a place, it forces us to integrate that money is the nerve of the war, she tells us that if we want to win, to have energy to flirt with a certain class, we must have full pockets. This is what we have become: we are men and women who are avaricious, we fight to accumulate goods, no matter what we are going to find ourselves in, the essential thing for us is the appearance … the rest is not very important and this is one of the reasons that explains the thrust of lodges on the earth. No time to lose, no help to bring, no service to make without money. Nothing for nothing.
Here is the most insidious sin of the human heart: * avarice * It is the immoderate desire to accumulate material possessions, to possess more than we already have, greed goes with egoism, pride, everything is centered on the miser, everything revolves around him, everything for himself and nothing for others, his personal interest first, the miser is ready to walk on others, he has no esteem. He does not care about anyone, his life depends on what he owns, he loves his possessions and adores them. For him, riches are his idol, he is the slave, they control his life and he said him what to do or not.
God gives us an important recommendation this morning.
Proverbs 11:24 – He who gives liberally becomes richer; And such, who spares excess, only impoverishes himself. Have authority over stinginess and be Kind! The Bible teaches us that God is the source of all material wealth and that wealth implies generosity to others.
Many of us who suffer from this vice, it is a reality but the Lord wants to lead us to overcome this state of mind to show liberality.
We do not say that we should not build our empire, we do not say that money is not important, myself who speaks, I’m the first to always be in pursuit but we just say that we have to balance things out and learn how to give when we can, you do not be lucky to help nesseciteux or support someone, some rely on the fact that they have been abused and have trouble to give but the word remains the word, it has not changed and it will not pass, so simply obey. Hello village. Have a good day.

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