My Month of Authority!Luke10:19

The word of God is not a game, it transforms, regenere … If we do not let it penetrate our thoughts, our behaviors, our characters, we will not go far.
This word must develop a true authority of Jesus on the things of the world.
Many of us speak of authority but do not allow God to affect us.
When we have authority, it feels and that’s what the Lord speaks to us about. Romans 8:19 – So the creation awaits with ardent desire the revelation of the sons of God. God given authority over your environment! Exercise it.
As Sons, we are called to take courage and above all to obey. God does not treat us with our character for nothing, he does not form us for nothing, he wants those who will be useful for his work, he wants us to do his will so the authority that God gives us engages and gives us responsibilities. We must not walk and live like others, we must impose our God and the deposit that the Lord has put in us.
One example, many Christians are afraid, do not know what to say when they are offered to go to evangelize, some do not trust on them and in their capacity yet they have everything in them to convince, it is enough to just invite the Holy Spirit during their intervention to see them explode and say things they did not think.
The talent, the gift we have are stronger, more immense than we believe, just let the Spirit of God move so that the feats of the year take place.
When the Bible says that the world is waiting with ardent desire for the manifestayion of the Sons, it is because God knows that power and power bring us back to life. Even the nations, our environment are aware that we are bearing celestial fruits and that we have the ability to say one thing and the thing accomplish. In conclusion, let us know that we are not empty, the world waits just our testimonies
Good morning village.
May our God help us.
Have a nice day.

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