My Month of Authority!Luke10:19

John 1:12 – But to all those who received it, to those who believe in her name, she gave the power to become children of God, who were born,
John 1:13 – no blood, neither will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
Celebrate the Lord for the power he has giveng you.
* The power to become * = authority, power.
To have this ability, we must accept Jesus beforehand, so that he has a change of status, so that something happens in the spiritual and in us, we must confess Jesus.
* To become a child of God * it is to take the nature God, able to command and to dominate on all creation …
As Sons, we have the nature and the power in us, and we wrap ourselves in this sphere, we will be clothed with glory.
It did not depend on anybody, nor on a race, nor even on beauty, it’s God alone who chose us, it’s his plan alone that was accomplished. He had a goal and it has not changed, he always wants us to reign over all creation. Then let us praise God for all this privilege, praise him because he has done us good, praise him because his power is in us, praise him because his strength and energy gives us authority to give the orders.
Thank you Lord, because you made us elected, chosen, those who reflect your glory.
May the name of Jesus be praised! Have a good day.

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