My Month of Authority!Luke10:19

Who is not happy when the police or the court threaten or condemn a bandit who robbed us?
Who would not want to be protected from criminals?
We say every day that the authorities of the country are doing nothing to make the citizens feel comfortable, we accuse the government of dragging us into fishing
But what are we doing ourselves? Christians in particular, and men in general, boast of saying that it is essential to respect established authority, but how far does this respect go? We respect the rules when it suits us, when our interests are cleans. The Bible says that eh: * That every soul be subject to the higher authorities *
There is no selection, big or small, big and thin, rich or poor, respects the authorities.
God wanted him to have a leader to structure and organize society if not welcome total anarchy.
Here is our theme that is introduced. Romans 13: 2 – That is why the one who opposes the authority resists the order that God has established, and those who resist will attract a condemnation on themselves. Respect authorities. Without God’s permission, no human authority would exist.
The authorities are there to congratulate those who respect the regulations but also have the power to punish offenders. It is the same in families, in churches, the respect of the authority must not be lost, it is for our good. Although men still have a problem with authority because we like to rule and not to submit. Let us know that it is God who chooses the one who will be at the head independently of our will, the one he calls is never the one we see, he has elected Moses in his old age, gedeon in his fear, Jacob in his lie David, too young, Peter in his anger … his word says that he confuses fools with the wise, those whom we consider as the last who benefit from his grace.
The last thing we have to leave this morning is that we have leadership skills, or Bible knowledge, we will not get spiritual authority if we are not in the lead of good servants.
Also, that does not mean that the leaders will use their stick of command to manipulate the others and to install the dictatorship.
Spiritual authority is a delegated authority, we do not exert it to our own name but in the name of Jesus it is not to destroy but rather to edify.
Each one of us has to rank, everyone must take his place and operate in his space.
Hello crew.
Have a good day

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