My Month of Authority!Luke10:19

Have dominion overlay your enemies! Here is the order of the day. No choice, or we dominate or we are dominated.
And if we are dominated, it means that we are afraid and we will not see the glory of God.
When we know who we are, we also know that we are victors, a conqueror, he is the one who dominates, the one who commands, he knows that he has the power and the policy of his means. In Daddy Ngalle’s teaching this Thursday, he said that authority is first of all the head, the way of thinking things, the body only fights if the Spirit and the soul inspire him confidence if we do not integrate that we are strong, the body will not be able to overthrow the adversary, we can see it with the story of David and Goliath. The Bible says in 2 Samuel, 22:40 – You put me on my strength for the fight, You make my enemies bend beneath me.
When we understand that dominion is our nature, failure will be abnormal unless it is the will of God because it is God in us who acts. Without the word, we will always be intimidated, it is she who reassures and guarantees a better future. Hello family.
May our God give us to become aware of our authority in him.
Have a nice day

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