My Month of Authority!Luke10:19

The word of God does not need an external authority, it is the only source of absolute authority.
All the earth belongs to God. 1 John 5:19 – We know that we are of God, and that the whole world is under the power of the evil one. Fast and pray not to be a victim of the world.
We are all on the earth, created by God but we do not have the same spirit, we do not have the same grip. We can talk and act, but everyone knows where he comes from and who he counts. God gives us eachone grace, a grace that comes from him, we have a power that we do not know how to exploit, we do not make good use of it but God, this morning invites us to benefit from every opportunity, he has given us everything, but the devil does not sleep, he takes advantage of our lack of confidence to put us in a cage, he knows that Christians are crowns but do not know it. We have only to observe around us, young people are more and more distracted, less concentrated, asleep by the futilities that destroy them like alcohol, cigarette …
The world is manipulated and even the children of God find that the abnormal has become normal, we have closed ourselves in satanic thoughts, we follow the direction imposed by men, by the media, by music.
The devil has infiltrated his agents everywhere, he has found a way to weighing us and the nonchanlence has settled. We are victims of human machinations and we are moving away from what is important, essential. It’s a shame for us because we do not understand what we have and who we are.
We do not realize the strength, courage, and authority that can emanate from us as sons.
Let us stop underestimating ourselves and let ourselves be guided by the enemy who is under our feet, we can not continue like this, we must get up and take our place as Sons, stop depending on others and take ourselves the stick of command of which we are entitled.
Hello family
Beautiful day.

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