My Month of Brightness!Matt5:16

Hello home
We are a day when Love is famous, everyone shows in his own way how he cares about others, everyone waits and wants special attention, it’s normal.
It is a special moment where we wait for a gesture, a smile or a word of others, it is the Love in its generality and that is what Jesus wanted to inculcate us, it is a link to which it holds, it was so important to him who left us with this message in Romans 13: 8 * owed nothing to anyone except Love … *
Let’s make this love to others, whatever the whirlwind in which we are.
We agree that everything does not always happen the way we want it, the world has been corrupted and the agents of the devil influence our thoughts, we end up in dangerous alliances by wanting to do the will God sometimes, in some cases by naivety and we pay a heavy price for our ignorance.
We collaborate with people who are not necessarily like us, they enter our lives with a bitter taste, they poison our environment with their aura, they take root in our surroundings, they absorb our opportunities and aliegnent our reflections, we do not we are more like it, our lives take a hit, easily manageable things become like a heavy one, they drag us into jails and unconscious chains in which the fight will be won without the help of the almighty.
It happens to us all, to mix unknowingly with people who steal our destinies, trample our blessings.
In general, these people are kind, nice, present but have a strong controlling spirit that demonte a whole history.
My friends, God told us in this month * that our light shines before men *
Whether these men are bad or not, they must recognize that we are privileged people, highly favored and let go.
The light that the Lord gives us in this month must shine, it must not be stifled by our relationships, it must not be weak or extinguished, it must give hope and encourage those who are lost.
But here comes this day when all those who trampled our lives with their power stops, that power and domination they thought they had come to an end and Jesus restores order and gives us back our position as sons.
The deposit of the day asks us to
Let the light of the evil people be pursuing you go off !!
Job, 18: 5 – The light of the wicked shall be extinguished, and the flame that springs from it shall cease to shine.
Hello again
Have a nice day.

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