My Month Of Brightness!Matt5:16

A song of the world says: * When Love goes away, everything is over * to say that without love, nothing is flourishing, everything is pale, sad, ugly …
And that’s what our families, our communities, our societies look like today, a coldness that does not say its name, everyone is in a dog of failure, everyone is mistrusting, more consideration, more values, more attachment, only the contempt, the dislike, the rejection, the hatred …
And we say we serve a living God, our God is Love, we are the children of light …
What are we talking about?
We are no different from unbelievers, we are even worse, true witchcraft especially in Christian circles, members of the same assembly who do not say hello, divisions, wars of leadership in the house of God, the looks haughty, humiliating words, rudeness, slyness …
All this for what????
Love has left our hearts, fraternal communion is close to hot, we are all in the pursuit of our interests, ready to pull out the knife on everything that hinders the way.
This is what we have become, amines by capitalism, nothing for nothing as long as we are seen, honored, respected, accepted, recognized by society, As long as it is like that, it goes us, we can walk on others we have the means of our policy.
We have let the devil lead us into perdition, we have let it dilute our essence, it has all deformed, denature … we have no room for love, our souls have lost their purity.
We see in the families struggles that even amaze God, brothers who fall apart, parents and children in the courts, friends who turn around.
Without love, no light, no distinction.
To be in the light and to claim a divine place, we must make the household, we must get rid of the old clothes, we must be pure in the soul.
All these disputes, these misunderstandings, all these discords, these disputes, these divisions, these resentments … it is the work of the flesh, they are doors open to the devil.
Hate is a friend of the devil, so darkness, hatred weakens us, it distracts us, diminishes us …
We are all at war, war of the ideas, war for a place in the sun … It is normal that we are different, God created us thus, it is done expresses, it is so that we learn to like us and to support us.
Therefore no act deserves to be forgiven, nothing will justify our attitude.
Jesus had every reason to turn his back on us and to hate us, but he did it because of his love for us.
He wants us to do the same, that we can do the same.
In the aftermath of Valentine’s Day where we shout everywhere love, love …, he tells us * out hatred and welcome love *
Do not let the world steal our joy of life and prevent us from following the voice that comes from heaven.
The Lord testifies his word in 1 John 2: 9 – He who says he is in the light, and hates his brother, is still in darkness.
Fast and pray for hatred to disappear from our heart.
Hello Beloved-ones
Have a good day

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