My Month of Brightness!Matt5:16

Pray for RMI,
This is the lesson of the day, we have all kinds of prayer topics but we do not think very often about our ministries, we want to be blessed but we must not ignore our source, our point of attachment, our point of union.
To attend an assembly means that we believe in the God of this place, that the anointing of this place is powerful, we do not find ourselves, or stay in an assembly by chance.
The Bible says that all that is not conviction is sin.
Our churches are a place of trust and security for us and so that we can continue to be comfortable in a community, we must pray for the Lord to take control.
We live in an environment where poverty pushes us to take unfair actions.
Many think they can be pastors and make money, others fight for the crowd so that their show is well seen and well transmitted.
In 2 Peter 2:19 – they promise them freedom, when they themselves are slaves to corruption, for everyone is a slave to what triumphed over him.
We can not be in an assembly with light leaders who do not fear God, who serve on their behalf, who are there for their glory. It does not honor God.
When the storm comes, it will certainly come, it will carry us all because we would have done nothing to rectify this damage.
If he chose this moment to ask us to shout at him for our churches, it is because of his throne, he can see people being confused.
To pray for the ministry is to entrust each department to the Lord, to rise against corruption in the house of God, to fight witchcraft in the temple.
The word of God tells us that the name is invoked, it manifests itself, it shows its glory, its light attracts the faithful and predates its children.
So let’s stand up for our churches, beseech the Lord that they open our eyes, we do not refuse to continue in naivety, we want to assert our authority, and without light to light our way we have nothing, the veil will always cover our sight and we will not hear the Lord guide us.
Let us pray that the Lord will help us and that our ministries will be removed from it.
Hello home
Have a good day

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