My Month of Brightness!Matt5:16

Beloved !!!!
When we are beautiful, elegant and well dressed, we want to go unnoticed and appreciated,
When we are financially seated, we want all kinds of things to be accepted in certain circles so that our snobbery is noticed.
When we offer our first car, the keys of this vehicle are always hoisted on the canvas,
When we get married, we invite and create the place for the company to confirm that our address has really changed.
Yesiiiii, all this is good, it’s very good, it’s even genial ….
It makes us stand out, it distinguishes us, it elevates us, it gives us a place of brand and a reference in our environment.
That’s a point, what pleases our flesh, it’s our way of savoring glory and we’re happy about it.
This famous maissssss,
When we meet Jesus, no one should know that we go in the holes to seek God, no one should know that we are no longer going into the conventional churches,
When God does a miracle or when a prophecy given by born again is fulfilled, some more cunning say that God is great without going into details.
A friend told us once, I quote: * I pray now a lot, I asked myself many questions so the prayer group in which I am the help me to see more clearly on my faith but my church has not changed huh *
Always contourned to be well seen men, all makeup, all dressed, say everything with the tweezers, always be on guard,
we met Jesus and we fear that it is officially known that the camp to change, we are ashamed to say that we are more boxed, we are afraid to say that we are * virgins * at 30 years because what does the word of God say?
Fear of prejudice, we do not assume our new status in the same way as being married or being rich.
Some even refuse to bless their marriage in their church,
Their purpose: will people come in this hole? We will say what? We want the big churches to please just for this day and say after we got married at the cathedral, at the holy church … or prostitute … let’s say sometimes.
Exactly what people want and like to hear.
My brothers, we do not live for men but for Jesus, stop denying that he paid a heavy ransom for us and accept him, give him an honest place in our lives.
It is commonly said that there are not two masters in a boat, or it is Jesus and everyone accepts it like that, or it’s the devil.
We are called the * alleouia * what does it do?
It even means that we are recognized as those who really pray and pray.
To be with the Lord, you have to pay the price and endorse.
Not our words when we are well hidden in a corner of a church and no one to testify of your presence and we sing: * I have accepted Jesus Christ in my life, I do not want to go back always forward … *
It is not false, Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, he is alive, he is called the great I am, the restorer, the purveyor, the healer, the one who knows the beginning and the end, impossible is not in his vocabulary ….
Is not someone to follow?
With him, we are far from lack, he manages everything, rules everything, releases everything.
No power is above him, no domination is legal.
He is on the throne, no one has given him this seat and he does not discuss it with anyone, he has proclaimed himself the Lord of Lords, the King of kings …
The distinction, the honors, the elevation, the grandeur … come only from him, without him we go straight into the abyss.
So, thank you for all this privilege, say thank you because we have been accepted into his kingdom.
The love of Jesus comfort, rejuvenate, strengthen, let us experience and let people ask us our secret.
Ephesians 5: 8 – Formerly you were darkness, and now you are light in the Lord. Walk like children of light!
Let your Christianity be known through your words and actions.
Hello home
May the Lord enlighten us.

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