My Month of Brightness!Matt5:16

We all have a name, it makes us recognize, it’s part of us.
It’s our signature, it’s our identity.
And this is the theme of the day, it is in this sphere that the Lord brings us this morning.
Many of us live in our shadow, we are stubborn, with fixed ideas, we limit ourselves, we find ourselves too old, not educated, poor, we let the lies of the devil overwhelm us, doubt the word from God and reject what God has said that we are therefore our identity.
Rebecca gave the name of Jacob meaning usurper. This name almost destroyed him and removed him from the plan of God and that’s how our parents put us in cages without often knowing it.
Many of us have let men stick to negative identities due to our environment, our principles, our values, our traditions, our families, our education … young people draw their model of stars or courses professional … all these factors have an impact on our lives.
Real situations can also take over and distort us.
We have a reputation in this blooming or wobbly case.
No matter what our life looked like, no matter what our mistakes, our decisions, our actions, our sins of yesterday, Jesus does not look at us like that, he sees us as his children especially if we came back to him.
With him, our story changes, each of his promises is for each of his children.
We must know that we are an authority for our life and God has given us the mouth, a powerful weapon to restore the order of things, with it is construction or destruction.
The Lord did not create us to die young or to be a failure, oh no!
Our father’s plans for us are full of kindness and joy.
Our identity is not what we see, the world is acclaimed by those who, according to them, have succeeded, but is it really a success?
We are in the month when God shines our light before men so we differentiate and it is our identity in Christ that makes this difference.
So let us proclaim our new nature, change our way of speaking because the old things are past.
Let’s say thank you to the Lord for the new brand we are.
1 Thessalonians, 5: 5 – you are all children of light and children of the day. We are not night nor darkness.
Acknowledge your identity in Christ and bless the Lord!
Hello family
May the Lord bless us abundantly.
Have a nice day

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