My Month of Brightness!Matt5:16

Thank you Lord,
A new day
A new sun
New energy
A new light
Thank you Dad for all these beautiful things that you do not stop doing in our lives.
We are Sunday and we are ready to celebrate to show our gratitude and love.
You are the one to whom our hearts are turned, it is you who supports us.
It is you our God, our Creator, it is you that our hearts praise, you are our strength, you are our light.
Your word tells us in 2 Samuel, 22:29 – Yes, you are my light, O LORD! The Lord shines on my darkness.
Bless the Lord for letting his light shine on you.
Lord, do not leave us in the mud, light our lives and walk us in your light.
In this month, draw your glory on us and enlighten us in all areas of our lives.
When we are in trouble, your light leads us to solutions.
Father, may all the filth in which we are be cleansed and you alone be glorified.
thank you Lord
Thank you for this day where your light illuminates our lives and deepens our love for you.
Hello to us

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