My Month of Brightness!Matt5:16

The family is the first institution we are in when we come to the world.
It is a place where we must be comfortable and happy, no one should feel more fulfilled away from their family.
But we find families weakened, divided with all kinds of tensions and society adds to it with its influences.
We are witnessing tears, divorces … while God wants to see families united, happy and prosperous.
And this is only possible if the family does what God expects of it.
If our families are not a reflection of God, how can we be the light of the world?
We must release the Love of God, be role models, be blessings and examples for others.
When the light of the Lord is upon us and on our families, we distinguish ourselves from others, we do everything with love, we do not need to fight for a place in the sun, we attract attention because the light of the Lord accompanies us everywhere.
John 1: 9 – This light was the true light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man.
If we follow Jesus, we follow the light, we leave no one indifferent because we are not just anyone.
So pray for the Lord to let her face shine upon your family.
Pray for the light of God to shine in our families
Pray for God to clean our hearts and teach us to how to nourish ourselves with his word.
Hello people of God
Have a good day

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