My Month of Brightness!Matt5:16

Well, Jesus Christ died, he died.
The Bible says that death is equal to night, darkness, darkness …
Death is the opposite of light.
The light is extinguished, nothing works, nothing moves, everything is weakened, everything is in slow motion, the visibility is weak …
Black calls laziness, nonchalance, laxity, discouragement, loudness …
Without light, we can not see, we are as limits, as blind.
The word of God also tells us that Jesus Christ raised the dead, he brought the light of heaven because he is the light of the world.
We Men were lost, molested by sin, the light had to come to shine, it needed an urgent and impeccable cleaning.
It is in this thought that the verse of this morning brings us Luke 11:35 – Take care therefore that the light which is in you is not darkness.
Fast and pray to quench your light.
Let’s be careful = be careful, let’s be careful, let’s be careful …
We are warned.
Jesus is our light so we have light.
The day we lose our bearings, the day we stop listening and obeying God, the day we begin to make ourselves and put God next, our light begins to weaken or even to extinguish if we do not resign ourselves.
The warning of this word challenges us, it makes us understand that we must refocus.
Several things can push us into obscurity like some friends whose company is not profitable, some negative habits, displaced languages, some frivolous and light social entertainments …
We allow ourselves to be dominated and controlled by things that make us retrograde.
The Lord is asking us to leave all these things that prevent us from shining and standing out.
The light of God guarantees us a new life, new aspirations, new feelings, gives us another dimension of life and offers us to breathe the pure air of the kingdom of heaven.
When we want to leave the house, we stop the lights.
When we are cut off from God, we are out of circuit, out of network, we have lost all contact.
Light is life.
Without it, we can not see the glory of God.
The light can not be trampled by our choices, return to the light that is the Lord and let him bring down his power.
Hello here
Have a good day.

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