My Month Of Brightness!Matt5:16

He who rejects the word of God rejected God, he refused to be an instrument of salvation.
He who is not a son of God belongs to the darkness and is dangerous. He has twisted attitudes that suggest that if God does not agree, let him go to the field.
He who does not love the counsel of God, neither his will, nor his word, departs from God.
He who accepts God bears life, he is constantly in the presence of God, he knows that the blessing of God rests on his head.
The knowledge of God is imperative, it reveals our identity as children of God, we need to know it to know ourselves.
In 2 Corinthians, 4: 6 – For God, who said, The light shall shine out of the womb of darkness! made the light shine in our hearts to make the knowledge of the glory of God shine forth on the face of Christ.
Share the knowledge you have on God with others.
Where there is light, there is God.
The word of God tells us that the anointing breaks the yoke.
The yoke is the darkness, the anointing the light.
Wherever we are as a child of God, we must shine, we must be different, the grace of God flowing in our lives must be seen and swallowed by everyone.
God is asking us to be out in the open so that everyone can testify who is the one we serve.
When we have God with us, we are a blessing to others.
Our lives reflect stability.
How can we live in such a light and not allow others to use it?
We must learn to bear witness to the greatness of the Lord, we must learn that he alone creates what does not exist, we must know that everything is accomplished by him and for him, it is he who allows everything.
We want to tell ourselves that this God is alive, it is real.
What he can do is incredible, with him the impossible word does not exist.
It dries tumors, cancers and heals all kinds of disease …..
We want everyone to become attached to this authentic God and he will see his situation rewritten.
Exhort one another.
Hello home
Have a good day

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