My Month of Brigthness!Matt5:16

There is a man in the Bible, his name is Solomon, a wise and rich man.
Wisdom, God gave it to him, but if he has come to make a statement as our support verse shows it: Ecclesiastes, 2:13 – And I have seen that wisdom has an advantage over madness, as light has the advantage over darkness;
It means that he tasted everything, he realized that nothing is essential in life except God.
This passage tells us in a simple way that the one who is in the darkness uses madness because he does not know what he is doing, he does not trust the word of God, those who are in the light of gospel, acquire the wisdom that is in the thoughts of God.
Here, madness = darkness = night = a part of the day where things are blurry and we have light, we can not do anything precisely, it causes fear, anxiety …
And this is what is meant in this passage, men and women who live without God, therefore without his light.
Darkness represents ignorance, spiritual blindness, the place where those who refuse to open their heart to God are destined.
If at some point in the day we have darkness it means that there is a moment when we have the light, a moment when our thoughts are in place, a moment when we can clearly appreciate the beauty, look for who is good and think …
Solomon was a wise man, his wisdom was limitless, he had a supernatural discernment …
Many of us will say that Solomon had intelligent parents, or had a keen education … But this morning we understand that Solomon had his wisdom from God, God had granted him, he was serving the Lord, he knew God, he was aware that the Lord is the one who keeps everything in his place, he knew that to be with God is to be wise, to have light.
God is light. Thanks to this light, we are enlightened and we can accomplish great things.
God is perfect and he is revealed to those who are attached to him.
Without the light of God, we will stumble and hit the obstacles.
Let us pray for the wisdom of God, that it illuminates our way and gives us to be lucid in front of our errors.
Pray for your wisdom to increase during this month.
Hello family
Good day to us.

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