My Month of Possessions!Ps16:6

Hello people of God,
We are entering the first quarter of the year.
Three months have come to an end. In three months, a lot of things have happened, have been said, have been made. We listen a lot and at times, we wonder what’s the point ???
Here is another month, no husband, no children, no work, no stability, no money, no travel …
One wonders what God we serve exactly?
And our brains start to turn …
We look at each other, we think we’re old, we start to find reasons to compromise and of course the devil helps us in this momentum since he is in his role.
We begin to see who to call, who is the powerful pastor of the city.
And our hearts are sad.
Every day, we listen, every day, we declare and we do not see anything.
There are times when we get up badly, we are in bad shape and we have the impression of going around in circles, we have the impression of doing nothing of our life, we ask ourselves questions, we wonder What does not work? * as a song says. What’s wrong? We are tired of our situation, we do not like our life.
We even cry alone in our beds, in our rooms.
Only, we say to the Lord * again this year, again this month? *
My friends, the devil is cunning and wants to suffocate us.
My brothers, we are in the fourth month.
Four is highly spiritual.
And we are entering full foot in it.
The numbers are not different by chance.
It’s * our month of possessions *
Psalms 16: 6 – A delicious inheritance has fallen to me, A beautiful possession has been granted to me.
The month God says that yesterday we have missed, we seem to have nothing yesterday, nothing concrete for us.
God tells us in this month to attach us to him, he will give us what we need.
He will grant us the desire of our heart.
May our hearts not be saddened, may our joy not be stolen, let our spirit not be disturbed because Jesus is on the throne.
* Possessions * means goods, capacity, belonging, occupation, acquisition …
Oh father, we’re coming back to you.
Four symbolizes dominance so we have to dominate over who wants to harm us.
We are coming out of a month of victory for possession.
When we have victory, we dominate everything that is in our path, nothing can resist anymore.
And it is for this reason that God tells us that because we have the victory, our possessions are available, our goods will be restored.
All you do is good, Lord.
On this day when we are celebrating your resurrection, you come back today and it is the first day of the month, we believe that all that had died in our live will come back to life with you.
Thanks Yaweh for our belongings, you are the one who restores. Without you, we’re nothing. Deuteronomy 8.17 said: ” Otherwise, you may say in your heart. My power and the strength of my hand made me this wealth. Thanks God for what he has enabled you to own.
Father, we bless your nane, we glorify your name, we exalted your name.
Be rents Lord
May all the glory belongs to you.
Good morning to each one
Good Easter
Have a nice day

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