My Month of Strange Progress! Is52:13

We are blessing the Lord for this day,
We exalt His holy name, we recognize that He is our Alpha and Omega. Without him, we are empty, we are useless, it is he who strengthens us, he is all powerful, he knows everything, he masters everything, whatever the situation we go through, he is there to strengthen us. In him we have life, in him we have peace, in him we have everything, absolutely everything.
He is our strength, he is our provider, he is our promoter.
Yes our promoter !!!!!
It is he who implements our project, who shapes it and brings it to success, everything comes from him, the ideas, the finances, the choice of people with whom to carry out the work.
The word of God says in Psalms 63: 5 – So I will bless you all my life, and lift up my hands in your name.
Lord’s Celebrate, he is your promoter!
Because we are alive, let’s bless the Lord
Because the divine protection don’t ever leave us, give thanks to God,
Because happiness and grace accompany us, celebrate Master …
We depend on God, he initiates everything, he has all the rights over us, everything we belong to him, he holds the world in his hands.
Let’s look at the nature, the countries, the beauty of the earth, we do not always know how to explain how God did, we can not know how he got there but we know that he is the creator, he is our inspiration it is our breathing, everything around us comes from him, recognize him and give thanks to God, we ourselves are products of the Lord,
To be a friend of God is to know him, to recognize him, to listen to him and to love him.
With his help, we will be supported in difficult times, we will be guided in our decisions.
We tend to believe that we can explain everything by science, by our human reasoning, yet we are very wrong, God is the initiator of everything, to doubt this is to bring it back to our level.
Beloved-ones , God is more than our thoughts, he is beyond us, he is not comparable to anyone, he is infinitely above us, he is at the origin of our lives.
He has all the rights, a promoter has the right to release the incredulous of his project, he has the right of glance on all that concerns his engagement.
Like it or not, God is God, he stays and stays.
It is up to us to scrape it to attract his favors otherwise it is we are finished.
So let’s celebrate it for all that it does for us, love it because it makes everything good for us.
May all the glory belongs to the Almighty.
Good morning family

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