My Month of Strange Progress! Is52:13

In general, the word fear refers to fear, terror, fear, worries, apprehensions, doubts …
This is what we feel before the traps of the night, in front of the enemy, in front of the threats of life, before conflicts, before the unknown …
But the voice of the eternal faces this feeling, supports us, reassures us with these words: * Do not be afraid, I am your shield *
But it’s not this fear that God wants to talk to us this morning, it’s about him, it’s the way we deal with his business, it’s the way we talk about him, it’s the love we have for him is how we adore him.
He talks about respect, submission, wisdom, trust, honor, reverence.
The Bible, in Luke’s book, 12: 5 – I will show you who you should fear. Fear him who, after killing, has the power to cast into Gehenna; yes, I tell you, he is the one you must fear.
Pray to always have the fear of God in you.
We must fear God and not men.
On the last day, there will be no one to defend us, to answer before the Lord for us.
Why should we glorify God?
Because he is the creator of the whole universe, he is supreme.
By respecting it, we attest to its greatness.
Because he is our protection and our purveyor, if we fear him, the divine security encircles us,
Because he is Abba father,
a parent is respected and listened to, he is more than a counselor and a partner, he has only better plans for us.
Because his love is perfect, he made the sacrifice, he paid the ransom for our redemption.
Because he is faithful, he never disappoints. Everyone will flee us when everything goes wrong, the world will give us back but Jesus is equal to himself, he never leaves us, on the contrary it helps us overcome our fears and frustrations.
Let us know that no man can give us what God is able to do if we align ourselves.
All this motivates us to know God and to serve him.
The fear of God offers refuge, instruction,
He is more than our wealth and our being.
It is a requirement of the Lord.
To fear God is to respect him, to obey him, to submit to his discipline and to adore him with piety.
What can we do but have a heart of gratitude for excellence itself.
Hello people of God
Have a good day

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