My Month of Strange Progress! Is52:13

We study law because our parents are lawyers.
We want to be doctors because we will be respected, We are footballers because we want to be rich and known …
To carry out our projects, our parents agree to put the means, they know that the stakes are enormous.
They know they are investing in the long term to be rewarded later when we are long pencils with full heads. In any case, it flatters us and it strengthens us in society.
We dream of living in Europe to hope for a future and we are ready to sacrifice everything to achieve our goal.
But what does God think about this? Have we ever wondered if these are the places where the Lord is waiting for us?
Here are our lives !!
We decide every day without asking the advice of Jesus, we schedule our trips without consulting our parent, we get married without seeking to know the perfect will of God …
And when tomorrow, everything is twisted, when all boxes, we ask questions, we are unhappy and we start looking for ways and means to get out.
We complain and we start to say, ‘Lord, why did you abandon us?’ Our only problem is that we make ourselves. We are wasting our time trying to do things for which God did not call us or equip us.
This morning, God gives us another counsel, he sends us in the book of Jeremiah, 29:11 – For I know the plans which I have made concerning you, saith the Lord, plans of peace, and not of evil, to give you a future and hope. Bless the Lord his plans concerning you. It is God who speaks, he the authority, he who knows the beginning and the end, he who is the master of all flesh, it is he who speaks, he says in this passage that he knows, he is our wisdom, he is our intelligence, he knows better than anyone our future.
For him, where we are together, he is there and he directs us or everyone takes his road, he is alone and he assumes. When the Lord himself says that he knows, he knows what he says, it is not given to everyone to know beforehand, and it is in this that he is the supreme God. We are not a coincidence, God has deposited in each of us, a gift, a talent, a call … but some have the impression of having received nothing or do not know what God has called them .
But when we entrust our lives to Jesus, when we read his word, we must attach ourselves to him for we must attach ourselves to him to know his plan for us in order to walk in our destiny.
We must also understand that the plan of God is not to be taken with negligence, we must learn to accept it because the will of God is for the mature men, it is for those who know that even if it is difficult, Jesus has better plans for us so they do not look at the physical, they firmly grasp the word and apply it.
So let’s pray to know the will of God, pray that Jesus teaches us to be obedient to his plan even if it is contrary to our expectations. Hello family May the faithfulness of the Lord abide in us.
Have a good day
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