My Month of Strange Progress! Is52:13

In the street, in our offices, in the taxi, in the shower, on the radio, we listen to all kinds of words, all kinds of conversations, all sorts of music, all kinds of comments on life, on the country. .
Our ears are an airstrip.
Everything we hear paces our day and directs our moods and thoughts.
Take the example of music, it is present in our daily lives, there is something for everyone.
Music is God’s gift, it conveys a sense of joy.
She soothes us, she relaxes us. Even David played the music to calm Saul when he was not fit.
It gives us energy, revitalizes us, relieves us.
The music is festive and we all love being in a nice atmosphere.
But at the same time, music has a strong influence on us, it can also be a danger and lead us into the drifts.
It can affect our mind in a progressive way and condition our thoughts.
Music conveys a message that manipulates sensitive people, it is likely to captivate us and encourage us to idolatry.
We must therefore pay attention to what we are listening to because several artists have compromised themselves to make strange progress.
They do not hesitate to give glory to the devil.
Even in the churches, we hear of everything, a preaching well given by a pastor who seems to be a good person yet it’s just a well-packed poison.
Most of the time we judge a message that he is from God because we have heard Jesus Christ yet it is a pipe.
Even Jesus said to pay attention to false prophets.
And that explains God’s instructions this morning.
Select what you listen to.
2 Timothy 2:16 – Avoid vain and profane speeches; for those who hold them will advance ever more in impiety, and their words will eat away like gangrene.
This passage urges us not to waste our time listening to topics without profit.
What we hear does not necessarily help us, it distances us from the truth, it kills us slowly, it leads us to death.
So, let’s pray for the discernment
Pray for God to lead in our steps.
Lord, thank you for always being there to show us the direction.
Hello people of God
Have a good day

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