My Month of Strange Progress! Is52:13

Hello brother and sister,
This morning we are putting our country back in the hands of God.
We can not be fully blessed when the environment in which we are does not contribute to our fulfillment.
God himself invites us to entrust to him our nation and our authorities.
He is the God of the universe and has chosen a special date for our country.
And this date is today.
So our formal instruction is to pray for the Cameroon.
When we look at the country, we see the physical and material progress that surrounds us, the roads are under construction to facilitate the access to the users but on the other hand, the population is not satisfied, it trimes to feed, Many people do not manage to heal themselves and need divine intervention to be accomplished.
We want the improvements but we are not ready to take risks, we are not ready to make sacrifices, we want facilities, we have abandoned ourselves in laziness and alcohol, we have the impression of being a people without purpose, who wanders without knowing where to go.
We are like the people of Israel who refused to believe in the power and sovereignty of the Lord, we believe that we can do it without prayer, without fasting, without praise and worship to whoever is right.
How can we please God when we are out of his path?
How can we hope to see the hand of God in this nation when we refuse to leave idols to devote ourselves to him? how can we leave our country as a very country and indebted when we accept to be subject?
We are in a society where everything goes in all directions, no one respects hierarchy, nor discipline, everyone wants to impoverish the other.
To all these defects of our country, God replies that justice and justice are necessary.
They must be practiced. Amos, 5:24 – But let righteousness be like a stream of water, and righteousness like a torrent that never dries up.
The * but * in the verse comes to condition and counteract the momentum with which we act.
The prophet compares righteousness to water.
Water is very important, we say very often that water is life, it revitalizes, it strengthens, it quenches, it fertilizes.
A stream of water is a movement of water that flows continuously and freely.
This passage reflects the life that the Lord gives us and seeks objective and loyal people with whom he will deal.
The eternal speaks to us of righteousness to say what is correct, honest, a country well ordon, a country where laws must be apply. And justice is there to punish those who juge. Just to say that God wants to see in this nation harmony, love of others. Let us learn to respect the commandments given, thus is the source of our prosperity, our goodness.
Good morning neighborhood
Have a nice day.

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