My Month of Strange Progress! Is52:13

We stand this morning to say thank you to the Lord.
Thank you for each day passes in his presence.
Thank you for this gift he offers us again.
A new month, a new theme, new perspectives …
Only you, oh Lord, do what no man can do.
You quench our thirst, you nourish our souls, you build us and you bring us to develop positivity because you are even the happiness we seek on earth.
So we wish to start the new month well but also to thank God.
We are the first day of the month and it is also a day of celebration.
A celebration that marries well the figure that symbolizes the month, ie grace, harmony, balance.
We are in the 5th month.
A month where God wishes to establish us, after giving us a legacy last month, he shows us how to manage, how to develop our possessions to be on top, to stand out, to distinguish ourselves, to attest its supremacy in our lives.
The month of May carries grace, grace is an immemorial favor, it is the way God can make our weaknesses qualities if we trust in him, if we bring him our frustrations.
The Lord is the guarantor who repositions us.
The pastor read in Gen2: 8 on Sunday, this passage says that God shapes us, molds us, prunes us, shapes us to bring us into rest.
To say that God has equipped us for the new month, he returns with a plus, the better he decorates the theme and consolidates with the passage drawn in Isaiah 52:13 – Behold, my servant will prosper; He will rise, he will rise, he will rise very high.
For God, it is unthinkable, it is even surprising that we serve him, that we attach to him and that we do not experience success.
The Lord in this month gives us the means, the ability to move us.
He says * here is my servant … *
He presents us as his possession, his belonging, his property, all that we are about him, we come from him, we are his, we are his people, we know him and we adore him.
* Prosper * comes from prosperity, which refers to abundance, wealth, elevation, growth …
This verse of the month is God’s promise to us, he tells us that whatever we do, or that we are, as a Son, we will succeed in our missions on earth.
Yesterday, we were humiliated, belittled, insulted by some people, but today these same people will be amazed and surprised to see us overflowing with joy with a bright destiny.
So it’s not a problem if everything does not seem to go well. On his throne, he names this month: * OUR MONTH OF FOREIGN PROGRESS *
Progress: move to a higher level, move forward, change, improvement …
Strange: strange, surprising, out of the ordinary, terrible, appalling, unusual, out of the ordinary, mysterious, extraordinary …
A month where everything will be grace, a month on which we can not explain what happens to us, so we will be ourselves, everything we say or do will hatch, sprout and flower.
So let’s get on with disciplining ourselves and letting God use us, fighting for God’s will to be a priority this month to be successful, to please the Lord and to attach to Him, that’s how we evolve .
1 Thessalonians, 4: 1 – For the rest, brothers, since you have learned from us how you should behave and please God, and that is what you do, we pray to you and we conjure you in the name of the Lord Jesus to walk in this regard from progress to progress.
Pray to make progress that pleases God during this month.
Welcome to our new month.
May this month transform our lives and push us to surpass ourselves.
Hello neighborhood
Have a good day

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