My Month of Humility!Phil2:3

I love Christians, we are not concerned about anything. We will always say that since we believed in God, we are no longer arrogant or angry … we have changed, sin is behind us, we are new people, we feel calmer, more settled, more understanding, more sociable …
For us, anxiety, resentment, revenge are a matter for others.
The truth is that we make efforts but if we search our hearts, we are still well settled in the mud.
The law of Moses is still as current, we do it in a subtle way and it is a sin.
Remember that in movies, there was always what we liked to call “the hour of vengeance,” the actor uses tricks, he gets ready, he weaves his strings and the opportunity gave him , he hits.
It’s not just in the movies that we see that, it’s everywhere.
If only we could imagine the sadness that we humans were doing to God with our bad deeds, our bad words, we would not want others.
Every day, we send Jesus back to the cross, we lie, we mock, we insult, we steal, we betray but at no time did God reject us, he did not turn away from us while we are championsen the subject.
We spend most of our time making evil by evil, we say to ourselves: * as such did this to me, I wait for it at the crossroads, I calculate it, it will not escape me … * , we ruminate throughout the day, bitterness saturates our hearts, we condemn, however, we do not often have the right information.
Some use their power to incite others to revenge.
We have been subjected to a lot of bad things, bad treatments, we have been trampled by people to whom we have done good …
It left us scars, marks and many feelings jostling in our being.
We want revenge, we want our enemy to suffer as well, to die, to fail, to be unhappy, we want to give him back his coin.
It’s like that in general, we are the men, we are our own enemies but God in his mercy gives us the ultimate advice this morning and fast to pray every form of revenge.
Romans 12:19 – Do not revenge yourself, beloved ones, but let anger be done; for it is written, To me is vengeance, to me is recompense, saith the Lord.
Our flesh unfortunately wants to see others suffer and not from God, let’s stop wanting to avenge ourselves, especially when the adversary continues to drive the nail.
In view of this passage, we can ask ourselves if God is a God of vengeance?
He makes us understand to put everything in the hands of the Lord, which means that the heavy responsibility for revenge is God’s, he will act on our behalf.
Yet the Bible declares that God is love.
If it is true that vengeance goes with violence, our God does not encourage, this verse just reveals that God knows how to restore order and justice in his time.
We know how hard it is to forgive or bless people who have offended us, it revolts us it’s normal but because we want to move forward and because of Jesus, sweep away the vengeance of our spirit and forgive our trespasses like Jesus the done with us.
Well, that’s all for today,
We will behave tomorrow if it pleases God
Have a good day
Hello too.

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